This type of exercise is interesting for me.  I spend a great deal of time in the reflecitve process personally, so the exercise is not different but my approach to change is.  Very rarely do I make changes without at least one to two months of evaluating.  I have found that snap decisions to change rarely stick and rarely turn out well for most involved.  I like to "sleep" on it for longer.  When I do make the changes they usually are more meaningful and last.  I can tell you in looking back that I have learned a ton of new programs that will be going back with me to my district for the other teachers to use.  The one program that I will introduce them to is Jing.  You cannot push too much at them at one time, but this one is easy and I believe they will want to make use of it.  I plan to use my Snapshots for Learning website, grow it and maintain it.  I would also like to do a PD that introduces them to new programs.  I think this would be best done through a description-shared doc.  You can look can look forward...but you are still just here.

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